The JOURNEY to Life, Health, Happiness & Longevity starts with YOU'.

WELCOME to the wonderful world of ‘GRAMMA’S For Life 'PMA'...

encouraging you to live your best life as God intended...

About : GRAMMA'S For Life 'PMA'

GRAMMA’S For Life - Private Members Alliance (PMA) operates ‘in the private,’ due to strict censorship, harassment and intimidation including threats of business closure and imprisonment - by The Medicines Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ‘MHRA’. The MHRA is funded and controlled by the Pharmaceutical Industry who in our experience work diligently to suppress, undermine, discredit or destroy ‘all things natural’ that poses a threat to pharmaceutical profits… a far cry from the MHRA's appointed purpose which is to protect public health and safety. For these reasons and more, to avoid further disruptions and continue to operate in peace, we do not ‘publicly’ reveal the extensive health benefits of our Speciality Herbal Products. Therefore, you will find ‘little to no’ product information on this website. If however, you are interested; or wish to adopt a more ‘natural way of life’; have health concerns, and would like to learn more or purchase GRAMMA’S health enhancing herbal products, we invite you to scroll below to become a member of ‘GRAMMA’S For Life – Private Members Alliance (PMA). Becoming a member is FREE; takes 2 minutes to complete; and you can leave whenever you wish. Once you have joined, ‘a Welcome Pack’ (including Product and health information) will be sent to you in the post.

Why Are We dying To Be Healthy?

We also invite you to listen to our controversial ‘OPEN LETTER’ (released in 2017) - to the late Queen Elizabeth II and former Prime Minister (Mrs. Theresa May) – calling on them to safeguard the nation; and exposing the depth of corruption, deception, collusion and conflicts-of-interest within the MHRA, Pharmaceutical Industry, Government Ministers, Mainstream and Social Media networks - all working ‘hand in glove’ to maintain the status quo - namely Pharmaceutical control and domination… regardless of the cost to (human, animal or environmental) health, wellbeing or LIFE. Nevertheless, with over 35 years service and experience under our belts, coupled with a 14 year long journey to protect our products, independence and sovereignty - operating ‘in the private’ affords us the freedom to serve our members as we have always intended; and also gives you the freedom to exercise your 'Unalienable SOVEREIGN Rights (i.e. Right of Autonomy / Free Will Choice) to take full control and personal responsibility for your own health, life and destiny. Click the link below to listen to this thought-provoking / life changing Open Letter. Narrated by founder Dounne Alexander, this 1 hour recording will change the way you think about cancer; the industry; and question why people are still dying needlessly.

ABOUT: GRAMMA'S Herbal Foods

'The Healing Cuisine'

Suitable for all:

GRAMMA'S Specialist Herbal Products can be used from pregnancy to birth and throughout life; as well as excellent for – Vegans; Vegetarians; Pescatarians; Raw Foodies; Meat Eaters; Health Conscious; Weight Watchers; Pregnant & Breast Feeding Mothers: Babies / Children; people with Special Dietary Requirements; General Health / Wellbeing; and Animals too.

Made with Love:

GRAMMA'S specialist range of traditional herbal teas, nutritional foods and supplements are 100% Natural: Concentrated: Potent and Non-Toxic . All products are produced to the highest standards: highest quality: highest concentration (containing NO Fillers: NO Binders: NO Bulking or Anti-caking Agents,); using premium quality ‘pure, bio-active, natural ingredients’ (some with ‘rare and sacred ingredients’) – made by hand in small batches. *Pictured on the right: Dounne working with her mother Beryl).

‘Unique to the world, and in a league of their own’...

Derived from Divine intervention, working with the universal Creator (God), the Founder’s Divine Higher-Self (ORISHUA), Ancestors and Spirit Guides… to create authentic and extraordinarily unique ‘natural’ products. [ GRAMMA'S Speciality Traditional Herbal Teas; Nutritional Foods and Supplements provides 'PERFECT NOURISHMENT' to help build IMMUNITY - Mineralize; Alkalize; Electrolyze; Energize; Cleanse and Balance the 'whole body' to optimize health, wellbeing and longevity – to help you, your loved-ones (including animals) live their best life… ‘naturally’. ]

The ‘first’ to integrate ‘natural foods with traditional & culinary herbs’...

We are the ‘first’ to integrate ‘natural foods with traditional and culinary herbs’ as one complete unit for optimum / sustainable health – specifically blended and used for cooking and as preventatives for ‘whole-body’ health for you, family and your pets. Every stage of production is conducted with painstaking care, immense pride and patience - from preparation, packaging through to despatch… always with our members in mind to ensure each product reaches you in the best condition.

The 'first' product to contain the 'rare' African Bush Willow 'Combretastatin.'

Our signature product Zara's Herbal Tea (launched in 1994) was the first product in the world to contain the 'rare' African Bush Willow.
The tea is named in loving memory of 'ZARA' (the founder's daughter's dog), who was diagnosed with aggressive 'mammary tumours' (breast cancer), given no hope of survival; and only a few weeks to live. You can listen to Zara's and other amazing recovery stories in the 'OPEN LETTER to the late Queen Elizabeth II'. Founder (Dounne), later learnt that British & American scientists had been privately researching the African Bush Willow for over 25 years - and had proven it to be one of the most powerful anti-cancer herbs (85% effective on cancer tumours)... hailing it 'their biggest breakthrough'. At that time, they were developing a new experimental 'synthetic cancer drug' which was approved by the American 'Food and Drug Administration (FDA)' and trialled in selected hospitals throughout the UK.

"Once in a decade comes something unique - to change attitudes - and make the nation reconsider their lifestyle"

"GOOD HEALTH starts with a 'STRONG' Immune System."

Recycling Policy

Striving for a healthy, happy environment.

From Preparation, Packaging through to Distribution, our thoughts are driven by the effects we have on ALL life forms. For this reason we try our utmost to create products that degrade naturally, and packaging that has minimum impact and strain on Mother Earth. You can help maintain this principle by remembering to recycle our brewing bags (which can be buried in the earth); jars, bottles, cardboard boxes, foil sachets and plastic wrapping. With GRATITUDE and SINCERE THANKS!


Vegetarians; Vegans; Pescatarians; Meat Eaters; Health Conscious; Weight Watchers; Chronic Illness; Pregnant and Breast Feeding Mothers: Babies / Children; Allergy sufferers / people with Special Dietary Requirements; General Health / Wellbeing; and Animals.
- meaning we do not have financial investors primarily because they usually take control, influence decisions or change the direction of a business. Therefore to develop the business, we proudly rely on customers purchasing our products and spreading the word to family and friends.
the true benefits of 'Natural Foods'; working with the essence of 'Love' to share its rewards, knowledge and blessings - in an effort to help improve the quality of 'ALL' life.
of humans, animals and the environment.
your 'HEALTH' back into your own hands.
TO RETURN 'REAL FOOD' onto the table - wrapped in ancient herbal tradition, creating an eating revolution and natural balance.
IS -
'The Food of the Future.'
So please protect, treasure and take good care of yourself... for YOU ARE PRICELESS."

GRAMMA'S Ethos...

‘Unconditional’ L💗VE, 'radiant’ Light; ‘vibrant’ Energy; ‘absolute’ Truth and Integrity; 'wholehearted' Gratitude; 'mindful' Kindness, Empathy and Compassion; ‘blissful’ Peace; ‘universal’ Forgiveness; 'joyful' Surrender; 'abundant’ Blessings - to ‘highest’ Consciousness of ‘Divine’ ONENESS and connection with the infinite Creative LIFE SOURCE... of the I AM.


“I believe our story shows that there is a place for health products such as yours which can in combination with modern medicine help and aid recovery.”

For more Testimonials...

Health Disclaimer:

GRAMMA’S creates ‘natural’ Traditional Herbal Teas, Nutritional Foods and Supplements used to support optimum ‘whole-body’ health, rather than for the treatment of any specific disease or condition. However, ancient wisdom and scientific research findings has established a strong link between nutrition and enhanced health improvement. Nevertheless, we follow the ‘Supreme Divine Laws’ of the universal Creator (i.e. God) based on ‘Love, Truth and Integrity’.
Hence, through their own volition, our members ‘freely’ submit personal testimonies detailing their experience using GRAMMA’S products. Testimonies are never paid for; or conditions medically verified. However members are asked to provide medical proof. In ZARA’s case, her condition was verified by her Vet. *IMPORTANT NOTE: The testimonies provided are for educational purposes only. Therefore, where illness is concerned (or if taking medication) – it is wise to remain mindful of the important role played by Natural / Holistic Health Practitioners; the NHS, Doctors, Vets and others… (as the first point of call or second opinion) when making an ‘informed choice’.

Order using '3' simple steps...

1. Add the Private Members Form to the checkout
If you are ordering for the first time, please add the 'Private Members Form' to the shopping cart. If you only wish to receive information, simply complete the form at the checkout.
2. Place your order
Add the products you wish to order to the shopping cart. Then complete your order at the checkout.
3. Return Your Declaration Form
When your first order is delivered, you will receive a Declaration Form. It is important to complete and return the form within '14' working days.

Q & A

The most commonly asked questions for newcomers to this site. If you have any further questions please contact us directly using the link provided below.
Due to our experiences with UK Regulator 'the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency' (MHRA) - to avoid any further disruption, censorship; intimidation; harassment etc... we have chosen to operate 'in the private' and hence we can only provide products or information to members of GRAMMA'S For Life PMA. To learn more read sections 'About GRAMMA'S For Life - PMA' and 'Woman on a Mission'.
The Declaration is ‘a mutual agreement’ between us and our members. Through the Declaration form you give your informed consent for us to provide you with products and uncensored health news and information.
Being a ‘Private Members Alliance (ie like a private Club’), detailed product information, descriptions or health benefits are available to members only . If you wish to become a member, please use the link provided below in 'Introduce a Friend'.

Woman On A Mission

Dounne:Alexander (Orishua)

Born (1949) in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Trinidad, as a severely premature baby, with a life expectancy of only one month,
Dounne:Alexander (ORISHUA) is a Mother, Spiritual Herbalist, Author, passionate Natural Health Advocate, Campaigner, as well as, the brainchild and inspiration behind GRAMMA'S (Specialist Manufacturer of Traditional Herbal Teas, Nutritional Foods and Supplements - created in 1987); the JOINING HANDS IN HEALTH awareness campaign created in 2003; alongside her daughter, co-created GRAMMA’S For Life - ‘Private Members Alliance’(PMA). Born (1949) in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Trinidad, as a severely premature baby, with a life expectancy of only one month, but it was thanks to her late grandmother’s strong faith, intuition, tender loving care, and incredible knowledge of the health enhancing benefits of natural foods, traditional herbal remedies & ancient holistic practices… that enabled Dounne to survive against the odds… leaving her with an abiding 'respect and love' for God, spirituality, as well as, the healing power of 'nature'. This has been the basic foundation of her life. Moreover Dounne's grandmother taught her that - "Whatever you do - do it with LOVE - because God is LOVE". This is the Blue-Print that shaped her life. Dounne later named her business GRAMMA’S - in her grandmother’s loving memory.

Divine Mission to Create a Sick-Free Nation

Working with the ‘universal Creator (God), her intuitive Divine Higher-Self (ORISHUA), Ancestors and Spirit Guides – Dounne is on a divine mission to create a ‘SICK FREE’ nation (healing - mind, body and spirit); by encouraging everyone to take back their power and to adopt a more ‘natural’ way of life, from which to take full control and personal responsibility of ‘their own’, family’s, (including pets) health and lives, just like her ancestors – resulting in them living long, happy, healthy lives. This is impressive in today’s standards - as it was long before synthetic Pharmaceutical (Drug) Medication; synthetic / processed or Genetically Modified (GM) Foods; Supermarkets or Pharmacies ever existed. Following in her ancestors footsteps (from the Yoruba, Hausa and Fulani African nations) who embraced the ancient holistic principles of Spiritual Consciousness, Harmony and Humanity... based on the universal 'Laws-of-Life and Nature' (i.e. LOVE). Dounne passionately believes that ‘Natural Foods are meant to Feed & Heal' and in the reverence of prayer. Hence, it is embedded into GRAMMA’S ethos - 'Nature, Nurture, Social Responsibility' and LOVE.

Therefore, through GRAMMA’S extraordinary products, Dounne not only aims to provide ‘food for thought’, but also inspire you to take better care of yourself, family and pets, Dounne says: “I believe my life’s purpose and mission is to provide people with the ‘tools’ to heal themselves through nature. This is not about religion or science, but the ‘Ancient Divine (sacred) Wisdom' that with the ‘right tools’ the body can repair, restore and heal itself ‘NATURALLY’. My life’s journey and first hand experiences thus far has equipped me with some of these ‘essential tools’ and I have been CALLED to pass them on for the benefit of humanity, animals and the environment”. “We need to understand that as we come from ‘nature’ – ‘NATURE’ has the answer for all our ills. My ancestors totally respected and therefore relied upon ‘Mother Earth’ for survival. The perfect example being my African great-grandmother who lived to 113 years – who had an impeccable memory, excellent eye-sight and was strong enough to take care of herself. This was the norm only 100 years ago – compared to today where conditions we accept as being normal such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, dementia & Alzheimers, autism, etc. - was extremely rare. However, being blessed to have experienced ‘the best & worst’ of both worlds - I myself at age 75, am not on any Pharmaceutical Medication, whereas the majority of people are taking at least 6 to 10 synthetic medications (if not more) daily – which in most cases is doing ‘more harm than good’. Instead, I prefer to consume ‘natural foods’ and ‘my traditional herbal products (as well as, others)’, coupled with fasting, regular ‘exercise’, grounding, meditation and prayer – hence, I remain physically fit, mentally agile, healthy and happy. Needless to say, I feel incredibly grateful and hopeful that ‘one day’ everyone will experience the same”. Remember: "Your HEALTH is Your WEALTH'. So please protect, treasure and take good care of yourself... for YOU ARE PRICELESS."


From her tiny kitchen flat..
Dounne started GRAMMA’S in the tiny kitchen of her Council flat and despite having no business experience, training, collateral or finance - within 6 months, she personally negotiated her first products GRAMMA’S Herbal Pepper Sauces into Britain’s most prestigious Department stores including Harrods, Fortnum & Masons, Harvey Nichols, Bentalls, Selfridges – 2 years later into the top 7 Supermarket chains throughout the United Kingdom and was instantly hailed a national role model.
11 National Awards, including...
She went on to receive 11 national awards including honoured and presented by the late Queen Elizabeth II with the MBE for service to the British Food Industry (2007); awarded for outstanding contribution to Complementary and Natural Medicine (2011), as well as, proven to be over 60 years ahead of ‘corporate’ medical science (2015). Featured in 22 educational / inspirational mainstream books including BBC Women’s Hour - 50th.Anniversary on the most influential ‘British women’ since 1945 - in the chapter ‘Women Who Led The Way’.
Voted amongst the 100 greatest and most influential black people in British History...
She was also voted amongst the 100 greatest and most influential ‘black people’ in British history... with her contribution recorded by the BBC and stored in the British National Library for posterity. In 2019, Dounne was invited by members of the House-of-Lords to submit her NHS Reform Proposal which was included in the Parliamentary Review (2019/20 edition) - calling for the 'Integration of Natural Treatments and holistic practices in the NHS', from which to offer greater ‘consumer choice’, in order to meet the healthcare needs of our diverse, multicultural population - and thereby establish a 'Fair and Balanced' Healthcare Service.
Dounne’s profile provides an in-depth insight into her extensive work and campaigns. To view her full profile scroll up and click the link in the banner.

Joining Hands in Health Campaign

Joining Hands In Health (JHIH) is an independent, voluntary, not for profit ‘Health Awareness Campaign’... the first of its kind to embrace all cultures, animals and the environment

Our goal is to expose harmful policies or agendas...

The campaign's goal is to expose policies or agendas likely to endanger, threaten, harm or violate - the lives, health, freedom or sovereignty of men, women; animals and the environment - through education. 'Joining Hands in Health' is the campaign arm of GRAMMA'S. Campaigns include: Stop Poisoning our Drinking Water; Break Their Silence; The Nation Speaks - NO! Not in My Name & Global Voices Unite. Through 'Joining Hands in Health', we also champion and support other courageous causes aiming to safeguard our Sovereignty (i.e. liberty, health and freedom).

"We are all sent to serve a purpose; to serve each other; and to simply unite in Love."

Take Control of your Health:

Our body is naturally designed to heal itself...

“All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in ‘Nature’, the challenge of science is to find it”.

Dounne remains a true trailblazer and works tirelessly towards achieving her mission to create a 'Sick-Free Nation' and reminds us of the famous quotes by Paracelsus - known as the ancient father of Toxicology who stated: “All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in ‘nature’, the challenge of science is to find it”. “The art of healing comes from ‘nature’, not the Physician”. Plus, Hippocrates - known as the ancient father of western Medicine: “Let thy FOOD be thy MEDICINE and thy MEDICINE be thy FOOD”. ...................................................................................................................................................................

The JOURNEY to Life, Health, Happiness & Longevity starts with YOU'... are you ready?

If you, your loved-ones or someone you know have exhausted ‘conventional treatments; would like to try a natural approach;’ or simply discover the true potential of GRAMMA’S extraordinary Speciality Herbal Products and what they could do for you – then we invite you to become ‘a Private Member’ using the link provided below.

Your Health Online News

To receive ‘uncensored’ health news and product information via our newsletter YOUR HEALTH and social media, please click the link below to join the mailing list - scroll down to 'Like, Follow or Subscribe' to our social media channels. Thank You.

Remember to 'Like, Follow or Subscribe' on Social Media

'Notable' news releases:

Released January 2020, with the primary goal to ensure that people STAYED CALM, as well as provided ‘Immune Strengthening information’ - amid the wave of media fear-mongering and confusion on the subject of C-19.
C19- STAY CALM (A Practical Guide to protect Yourself, Family and Pets
C19- STAY CALM (A Practical Guide to protect Yourself, Family and Pets
Released January 2020, with the primary goal to ensure that people STAYED CALM, as well as provided ‘Immune Strengthening information’ - amid the wave of media fear-mongering and confusion on the subject of C-19.
Released on ‘World Press Freedom Day’ asking the media to take this opportunity to Be #Bold, #Responsible and #Honest... in the midst of important videos and articles revealing the ‘TRUTH’ about the Coronavirus ‘COVID-19’, Vaccines, 5G and the Lock-down being deleted from the inte...
Be #Bold, Be #Responsible, Be #Honest
Be #Bold, Be #Responsible, Be #Honest
Released on ‘World Press Freedom Day’ asking the media to take this opportunity to Be #Bold, #Responsible and #Honest... in the midst of important videos and articles revealing the ‘TRUTH’ about the Coronavirus ‘COVID-19’, Vaccines, 5G and the Lock-down being deleted from the inte...
This OPEN LETTER was also circulated to Alternative and Social Media Networks, Medical Establishment of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; UK Mayors, Caribbean (UK) High Commissioners; Caribbean and African Prime Ministers; Holistic Health Practitioners, Health Activists...
Open Letter - to the Mainstream Media, UK Government and Health Authorities.
Open Letter - to the Mainstream Media, UK Government and Health Authorities.
This OPEN LETTER was also circulated to Alternative and Social Media Networks, Medical Establishment of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; UK Mayors, Caribbean (UK) High Commissioners; Caribbean and African Prime Ministers; Holistic Health Practitioners, Health Activists...

Introduce a Friend


NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL and NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT WE provide products and or services to Sovereign men and women (flesh and blood, ‘living’ sentient-beings), who have consented by ‘Lawful Mutual Agreement’ to become a Private Member of ‘Gramma’s For Life - Private Members Alliance ‘PMA’. All members are made aware that they are free to consult with a licensed healthcare professional (whether that be holistic or allopathic), for themselves, family or pets – for any health concerns they may have. For avoidance of doubt, WE do not provide products or services to members of the public.